Our TermsFeed Review

Welcome to the most up-to-date TermsFeed review online (as of December 2023). The vast majority of online TermsFeed reviews for this service DO NOT include the essential details, and the pricing figures are inaccurate. So we decided to make our own based on our personal experience with the service.

We’ve put the legal agreements and policy generator to the test with real legal professionals to find out if it’s ACTUALLY ENOUGH to protect your business. 

Each of TermsFeed’s services are evaluated for quality, compliance, and relevance and includes accurate pricing details.


TermsFeed is the web’s most popular online policy generator for online business legal documents.

If you have an app, service, eCommerce store, or any other digital presence, TermsFeed can quickly and effectively generate any legal agreements from a privacy policy to a terms and conditions agreement for a fraction of the price of a real lawyer.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars to a law firm for a simple policy, you choose the legal documents you want, answer a few simple questions, and pay a small fee. You’ll have your personalized legal document in a matter of minutes. If the quality holds, TermsFeed is a gamechanger.

How Does TermsFeed Work?

TermsFeed auto-generates your legal documents based on your answers to questions regarding your business. It’s quite simple.

Just click Generate Agreement and choose from the dropdown menu.

how to generate a agreement

Next, TermsFeed makes you fill out a questionnaire about the nature of your services. For example, whether or not you collect email addresses or ask for location data.

questions asked for privacy policy

Then, you add in extra clauses you need (EX: GDPR compliance), and that’s it. TermsFeed even takes into account your state/province to ensure you’re compliant with local law.

termsfeed review of business information requested

After you’re finished answering the questions, Termsfeed emails you your personalized agreement. If you want, you may also download it as a:

  • PDF
  • DOCX
  • HTML
  • Text

Bonus: TermsFeed constantly monitors the legal landscape. If the law changes, you are INSTANTLY notified with the required updates. You don’t get that working with a real-world legal firm.

Is TermsFeed Legitimate?

I thought you needed a lawyer for all of this. Can I trust TermsFeed to be 100% legitimate?

Twitter reviews

Yes, you can. TermsFeed is 100% legitimate. They have hundreds of satisfied customers and plenty of 4.9+-star reviews. They also are active on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and have a loyal following of customers that swear by the tool’s ease of use and pricing.

Of course, no online service is ever a substitute for certified legal counsel. If you’re a large company with intricate inner workings and hundreds of employees, we advise you to use a real legal firm specialized in contract law. NOT an online tool.

What Services Does TermsFeed Offer?

TermsFeed offers the following legal documents:

Privacy Policy

If you collect any personal data from users.

Terms & Conditions

If you want to protect your business from lawsuits.


If you want to protect your mobile/desktop app.

Return & Refund

If you ant to portect your ecommerce business.

Cookies Policy

If you use cookies on your web site or web application.


If you want to create a legal disclaimer.

Throughout our TermsFeed review, we tested the process and product for each and collected feedback from professionals and customers of TermsFeed. Our results surprised even us.

No online privacy policy generators are ever a substitute for real legal counsel. However, as far as online generators go, TermsFeed is unrivaled. There are just a few things you need to be warned about, which are mentioned in our TermsFeed review.

Pricing – How Much Does TermsFeed Cost?

TermsFeed is growing in popularity due to its unique “à la cartepricing. Unlike nearly all of its competitors, TermsFeed DOES NOT CHARGE RECURRING FEES. That means you pay once, and your document is yours in perpetuity with 0 extra charges.

However, the drawback is that it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint precisely how much TermsFeed costs since each document is different depending on what you need. Don’t worry, we’ve done all of the work for you below.

The price of your agreement changes based on several factors. Are you a business or an individual? Do you need to be GDPR Compliant? Do you sell physical products or services?

This may seem confusing at first, but it’s a significant benefit for your business – you only pay for the policies and agreements that you need. Nothing more. Most other services offer only a few different types of documents, forcing their customers to pay for clauses they don’t need.

How Much Does a Typical Document Cost?

A general price range is anywhere from $100 and below. As you’ll see, some documents are so simple that they cost less than $20. Some are complex enough to cost upwards for $90. Again, it comes down to the clauses you need.

For example, our sample privacy policy came out to $56. To elucidate just how affordable that is, a typical lawyer costs hundreds of dollars PER HOUR. And a liability lawsuit could ruin your business. $56 is a small price for peace of mind.

document cost

WARNING – TermsFeed Free Templates

termsfeed review for free agreement

TermsFeed does offer free versions of their legal agreements. However, these rarely ever include the clauses necessary to protect your business. To put it bluntly, they are practically worthless. This is your business, invest in protecting your hard work by getting a premium agreement.

Our Reviewing Process

We generated a sample for each of the following services and reviewed it in terms of price, quality, comprehensiveness, and compliance. Keep in mind that your results and pricing may vary.

The TermsFeed Generators We Reviewed.

  • Privacy Policy Generator

Ideally, a privacy policy discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a client’s data. It should also fulfill the legal requirement to protect a customer’s privacy.

  • Terms & Conditions Generator

Terms and conditions, also known as terms of service, are the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service. In other words, the terms and conditions should state the regulations a person must agree to abide by to use the service offered.

  • EULA Generator

An end-user license agreement (EULA) is a legal contract entered into between a software developer or vendor and the user of the software, often where the user has purchased the software from an intermediary such as a retailer. An EULA specifies in detail the rights and restrictions which apply to the use of the software.

  • Return Policy Generator

Return and refund policies are the rules retail merchants establish to manage how customers return or exchange unwanted or defective merchandise that they have purchased. Return policies should be concise and clear. The customer should be aware of the terms.

  • Cookies Policy Generator

Cookies are a small text file created by a website that is stored locally to provide a way for the site to recognize you and keep track of your preferences. This type of policy should not present many issues. Cookies Policies are generally short and very straightforward, or at least they should be.

  • Disclaimer Generator

A disclaimer is a statement designed to stipulate or delimit the extent of responsibilities and benefits that may be exercised and executed by parties in a legal relationship. TermsFeed should be able to generate a template based on the information provided. However, considering disclaimers can vary greatly, we didn’t expect them to perform all that well.

As mentioned before, we were consistently surprised at the quality of each document. We highly recommend TermsFeed…with a few caveats. Let’s cover each in detail.

TermsFeed Privacy Policy Generator

TermsFeed is known primarily for its high-quality and comprehensive privacy policies. And while they aren’t for everyone, their documents should suffice for nearly any online company, app, or website.

Remember, if you collect ANY private data from visitors, a privacy policy is mandatory by LAW.

We generated a sample policy for a California-based website where customers were able to pay on-site for products. We also ensured it was both CalOPPA and GDPR compliant.

The final price came to $140. If this seems high, remember that this one document protects your entire business in perpetuity. This is a minimal amount to pay for legal protection. Not to even mention how much you save compared to hiring a lawyer to create your legal docs.

privacy policy cost

The process took less than two minutes and was incredibly intuitive. Even a beginner with 0 experience can generate a comprehensive privacy policy.

Our review showed that the document covered all necessary provisions (Data collection, cooperation with legal authorities, CalOppa, GDPR, etc.). We give our TermsFeed privacy policy a 5-out-of-5 rating.

Here’s a sample policy from a TermsFeed customer: SipBySwell

TermsFeed Terms And Conditions Generator

Third-party apps, companies, or extensions almost always require your business to have a terms and conditions document. The terms and conditions agreement will protect you from potentially disastrous liability, and TermsFeed makes it so easy that there’s no reason not to have one.

We generated a fully comprehensive document in 4 simple steps, and it covered all of the significant clauses:

  • For selling products/subscriptions
  • For offering user accounts
  • User-published content
  • A clause stating we own the content and trademarks
  • Disclaimer

And even with all of those clauses, it came to only $86.

terms and conditions cost

For a document that covers all of the major bases, protects us from liability, and clearly states that we own all content, $86 is very reasonable. And it took only three easy steps.

Bonus: TermsFeed makes it easy to keep your policy up to date whenever you need to. Most services make this next to impossible by storing your doc on one of their cloud servers. With TermsFeed, you “physically” have the document yourself, meaning you can add clauses in any time you please (this is actually a bigger deal than you may think, changes can be needed when you add new services).

Sample terms and conditions: Lewes FC 2000 Terms & Conditions

TermsFeed EULA (End-User License Agreement) Generator

If you offer software for download, an end-user license agreement (EULA) protects you from liability. For example, if your software somehow damages the user’s computer or compromises their data. This document also should define the licenses and restrictions regarding your software.

Our sample EULA for a mobile app was nearly flawless. We were able to add necessary clauses intuitively. For example:

  • Exclusive intellectual property
  • Application updates
  • Data privacy clauses
  • Limited liability

However, the downside is it is quite “expensive’ for this agreement (Our sample company is based in California). The final cost came to $116.

Sample: App2Day EULA

EULA pricing

However, you should note that we included nearly every clause to demonstrate the extent of TermsFeed’s EULA generator. There’s a good chance you could save $30 or more by excluding unnecessary clauses from your agreement or if you are based elsewhere.

TermsFeed Cookie Policy Generator

Any company that uses cookies to track user behavior must have a clearly written cookies policy easily accessible on their site.

In short, if you use Google Analytics or any sort of tracking for remarketing, you need this.

We give the cookies consent generator 4 out of 5 stars. It’s excellent, especially compared to competitors, but your policy won’t be very personalized. That could be a good thing, though, since lack of options means you can complete the process in less than one minute.

We generated our sample policy for a website that allows users to create an account in less than a minute, and it only costs $14!

Sample: Coreso Cookies Policy

Cookie consent policy cost

TermsFeed Disclaimer Generator

If you’re running an online business, then you need a disclaimer just as much as you need a privacy policy or terms and conditions. Yet this remains one of the most overlooked documents for bloggers, coaches, web apps, and services.

TermsFeed’s disclaimer generator is a simple, effective solution that’s easy enough for anyone to read with 0 legal experience, but powerful enough to warn and indemnify. Simply put, TermsFeed’s disclaimer is plenty to protect your business from liability, especially for:

  • Website disclaimers
  • Health disclaimers
  • Copyright disclaimers

We generated a fully comprehensive legal disclaimer for an Amazon Affiliate business in 30 seconds, and it only cost $28!

pricing for disclaimer policy

Sample: The Legality’s Disclaimer

TermsFeed Return Policy Generator

60% of customers review the return and refund policy of an online store before making a purchase! Fostering the trust of new customers is an affordable, simple way to reduce cart abandonment.

TermsFeed’s return and refund policy generator created a clear, simple document with understandable phrases for the end-user. The document covered the major clauses in a manner that protected our business, but still gained the trust of the customer.

However, based on our review, you should use your TermsFeed policy ONLY AS THE FOUNDATION of your return policy. TermsFeed’s documents for returns are not all-encompassing. It’s best to purchase a policy, then add clauses yourself unique to your business. If you’re only a small eCom shop, it’ll probably be plenty enough in the beginning.

Our sample 30-day return policy for a physical product store came to just $34.

return policy document prices

Sample: Bambu Return & Refund Policy

Do You Even Need TermsFeed?

If you offer services or products to the public, you almost certainly need a privacy policy, among other documents. It’s not just for legal compliance, but for legal protection of your business.

If you fail to remain compliant with the California Online Privacy Protection Act or the EU General Protection Regulation, you could be found liable, and your business could be at severe risk.

You Need It If You:

  • Collect email addresses
  • Use geolocation (GPS)
  • Sell products or services
  • Users can create an account
  • If users can publish content
  • Copyright infringement notices

Be advised; these legal agreements are almost certainly required BY LAW regardless of where you reside.


Q: How much does TermsFeed cost?

A: It is impossible to say the price precisely since it depends on a myriad of factors. In general, pricing ranges from $14 – $140.

Q: Is TermsFeed legit?

A: Yes, 100%. It is not a substitute for getting one-on-one legal advice, but it’s a perfectly fine service for basic legal agreements for online businesses.

Q: Can I write my privacy policy?

A: Yes, you may (but good luck with that). However, it is highly recommended that you either pay a professional or use a service like TermsFeed. If you don’t include the correct language, your business may be found liable.

Q: Do I need to have a privacy policy even if I don’t have a website?

A: In general, all businesses should have a privacy policy. Even if you aren’t certain, it’s so affordable that it’s worth it for peace of mind.

Q: How long does it take to set it up?

A: It depends on the type of policy that you choose, but most of the processes are under 10 minutes.

Q: Are free templates good enough for my business?

A: No. The free templates aren’t terrible, but when it comes to protecting your business, you shouldn’t take a chance.

Updated: December 29, 2023

Editor's Choice: TermsFeed Policy Generator

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